
Confession of a Geek

Dear IIMB viewers.

I confess to being a Geek. Big Time. Computer Geek. I used to spend hours late into the night trying to learn how to install databases, rewrite linux code, craft CSS and tinker with javascript and jquery for purposes even now I’m not sure of.

You may judge me for this. It’s ok.

But otherwise, since you are here, you might as well check out my Chat Noir game at

Cheers! 🙂


2 replies on “Confession of a Geek”


Hi There!, I’ve gone ahead and bookmarked your page on Facebook so my friends can see it too. I simply used your blog title as the title in my bookmark, as I figured if it is good enough for you to title your blog post that, then you probably would lik…

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Hi!, I have gone ahead and bookmarked your page on Digg so my friends can see it too. I just used your blog title as the entry in my bookmark, as I figured if it is good enough for you to title your blog post that, then you probably would like to see i…

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